Differing from other Islamic cultures the Ottoman royalty and high officials of the Empire liked to be buried in a mausoleum, called türbe. The patrons of these buildings often included the construction of this building type in a mosque complex, either as their own burial place or to honour someone preceding them. These burial chambers are usually small buildings with a single chamber covered by a dome, most frequently on a hexagonal or octagonal base. Two types of türbes can be distinguished: the closed one and the open type with arches sustained by columns. Its walls are made of brick or stone masonry, their exterior most frequently being rather plain following the characteristic Ottoman austerity. In contrast, their interior might be lavishly decorated with tile revetment or painted decoration. One of the most stunning examples of tile-decorated tü rbes is Yesil Türbe in Bursa, Turkey.
Türbes containing sarcophagi are generally kept closed, but the interior sometimes may be glimpsed through metal grills. The bodies repose in plain sarcophagi with a simple inscription, or more often they lie below the floor level, underneath the symbolic tombs. Sometimes a gravestone, covered with a turban in fabric or in chiselled stone was placed at the head of the tomb when the deceased was male. Of course, only prominent persons were buried in a türbe, the others were laid to rest in the mosque grounds with a tombstone that may have been more or less elaborated.
Pasha Bey Türbe in Skopje
Teresa Waltenberger, Architecture in Macedonia:The Ottoman Heritage, Skopje 2014